Updated on April 1st 2022.
This guide is grouped by (in-universe) days. This is mainly done for the convenience of organizing the possible conversations you will have.
Conversations are listed on the day they become available, but some text messages do not need to be answered on the same day (some messages do not need to be answered at all). The conversations are also numbered in this guide. This is only done for referencing purposes, as these numbers do not appear in the game.
Each day in this guide contains a list of possible achievements (note that some will require certain prior actions going a particular way). Afterwards, you will see a list of all possible conversations that day (again, some will only be visible if certain criteria are met).
Most (but not all) conversation options will grant you some combination of Boyfriend, Bro or Troublemaker points. You will start the game by default with 2 Boyfriend, 1 Bro and 1 Troublemaker points, and will accumulate more based on your actions. You are not told in-game how your choices affect these points, but this guide will detail them.
Ultimately, these points influence your KCT (Key Character Trait). There are three KCTs available (Confident, Loyal and Popular), and a specific KCT may be needed to unlock certain scenes or progress further with certain characters. Your KCT may also sometimes simply influence the dialogue in some scenes. As a general rule, your KCT will depend on whichever of your personality scores (Boyfriend, Bro or Troublemaker) is the lowest:
So for example, if you've accumulated 12 Bro, 9 Boyfriend but only 5 Troublemaker points, your KCT will be Loyal. From that point onwards, you can keep on increasing your Bro and Boyfriend scores and your KCT will remain at Loyal. But if you gather enough Troublemaker points that it surpasses your Boyfriend points, then your KCT would change to Popular.
This means that if you are looking to keep a specific trait, pay attention to which choices you need to avoid.
But if you want the freedom to change between KCTs quickly, this will require you to keep a tally of how many points you are getting, and specifically you would have to ensure to keep the three scores (Boyfriend, Bro, Troublemaker) fairly close together.
If you simply play the game at random, by the nature of the dialogues, you are more likely to end up with the Loyal trait if you follow the Wolves path, and more likely to end up with the Confident trait if you follow the Apes path. Either way, the Popular trait is the hardest to achieve and requires paying a lot more attention to your choices.
The following characters react best to each KCT. Consider this if you want to improve your relationships with them. For the characters not listed, it doesn’t fundamentally make a difference to the story what KCT you have.
This obviously affects how your playthroughs should go, if you’re focusing on a specific character. Take Chloe as an example. She prefers the Popular trait. But every Boyfriend point you collect through your choices moves you away from being Popular.
So this means you should get just enough Boyfriend points during the interactions with her to get the scenes close to her, but avoid getting Boyfriend points with other girls. Basically Chloe is going to demand your full attention.